On the cabinet reshuffle in Indian politics, we have some interesting tweets coming up from Mango man of Banana republic. Let's read some top tweets.

Shekhar Kapur @shekharkapur
Whats CabinetReshuffle about?
How does it affect lives of ordinary Indians? Y is it making headlines? Whats
changed except media attention?
Forever Sleepy @DaaruDesi
My iPod shuffle would
have chosen a better mix of ministers than our dumb PM and selfish SoniaG
SanghParivar.Org @SanghParivarOrg
Thx 2 Rahul Gandhi's
HUGE efforts in making cabinet look younger. After CabinetReshuffle its
avg age has reduced frm 65 to 64!
Soul in Exile @SoulInExile
Heard Kejriwal is
flooded with docs from Cong-men -begging IAC to expose them -so that
10JP notices & promotes them too!
Joy @Joydas
Its a Shame that
Millions of Indian Tweeple hasn't been included in the CabinetReshuffle.
ONLY they know EXACTLY how to run the Country
During the CabinetReshuffle they
Should've appointed Deepika Padukone as Mistress of State or something ..She's
been working so Hard for it
Who knows the future?
Everyone's dream of being a minister should be fulfilled by 2014 : Sonia
Kapil @kapilry
Nothing will change
thru CabinetReshuffle , you bring New Chimps in place of Old
Monkeys, with same Silent Big Baboon sitting ovr the top.
Tajinder Pal S Bagga @tajinderbagga
If Khurshid wl become
Foreign Minister,will he say to other Nations,India me aa to jaogey par wapas
kaisey jaoge
Hardik @Hardism
They should play
Musical Chairs inside the Parliament to decide on the CabinetReshuffle
Sahana @spicy_words
How will re-shuffling
help change the game when the pack has only jokers?
Meethi Chhuri @riya043
Define C.O.N.G.R.E.S.S
(y) Commitee Of Non-identified Gundaas Regularly Engaged in Systematic Scams.
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